Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Trawlerman

My good friend, Everyone's Other Mother suggested I switch back to blogger. She dislikes Wordpress immensely. She's right as usual, I've had nothing but problems with Wordpress. Or I my may switch between the two depending on my mood that day. Must be the touch of bi-polar I enjoy.

Well the Good Captain is out on the big blue, It's his second trip under the new Sector regime that NOAA & NMFS have force down out throats. More paperwork, more calls, plus the "new and improved" VMS (vessel monitoring system) or black box as its commonly referred to. All in all it is very "Orwellian", big brother knows and sees all. It's sad that the fishermen are all considered crooks due to the bad behavior of a few, but that is usually the way the world works. Or at least our part of the world!

Hopefully the Good Captain has his muffler mess finally fixed. You may recall a while back that I reported a fire on the boat. His fist trip under the Sector program proved he still had problems with spontaneous combustion! Yes, you guessed it, the boat caught fire, again! Only this time he was 60 miles offshore. All I can say is it's a good thing he was a Junior Firefighter in a previous life! My son, the Good Captain's mate isn't very impressed with the whole boat catching fire scenario. Can't really say that I blame him, I mean geeze where do you go if you can't put it out? Um....overboard I would suspect. Sixty miles offshore with no other boats around could just be very hazardous to your health! Of course the Good Captain downplayed the fire in his usual laconic fashion. "Captain Soot", is now back in residence. It is EVERYWHERE! One benefit though is, he has no use for Grecian Formula for men, every-time he comes off the boat his hair is as dark as when we first started going out.

He has desperately been trying to get the lobster boat in order. Poor guy, there just aren't enough hours in the day. We have to get this lobster tours thing off the ground. Groundfishing is looking more and more like a hobby everyday! I wonder who will be the last fisherman standing?